A prudent pilot will never begin flying before finishing her studies and examinations. Making the decision to enrol in pilot training is crucial. It's commonly said that everyone can fly; it's the ground tasks that distinguish a pilot and need commitment and concentration. A wise pilot is aware that a solid foundation is necessary for a smooth takeoff. A pilot must exercise discretion. The Pilot Ground School truly makes a difference in this situation.
Most seasoned pilots would advise you to complete your groundwork before beginning your flight training when you ask them for advice. The DGCA gives students 30 months to complete the ground school courses for which it administers exams every three months in April, July, October, and January.
Since it has been a reputable ground school for the past five years, Fly Space gives you the ideal starting point for your pilot career. You will be given the best chance of passing the PPL/CPL examinations by a group of skilled pilots who are experts in their fields. After passing the ground courses, it won't take you more than six months to complete the 200 hours of required flying training.
After passing their DGCA CPL exams, our students continue on to the most thrilling part of their programme: flight training. Students take CPL, Multi, and Instrument Rating courses in this phase at our affiliated flight schools in the USA, South Africa, Canada, and India, among other locations (students can select the training site). The DGCA curriculum is meticulously followed during the entire session. The minimum prerequisite for any Trainee First Officer post is the FAA or CAA NZ or CAA SA CPL / ME / IR licence, which is issued to the student upon completion of this phase.
Only one of the best flight schools in the world—one that has been instructing Indian students for years and consistently turns out top-notch pilots—is affiliated with Fly Space.
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